Friday, July 27, 2012

Parent Volunteer Bags

Every year, I strive to include all my parents in their child's classroom.  One year, even though, I was at a low-income school where the majority of my kids' parents worked full time- sometimes two jobs- I was determined to have parent involvement.  So, I thought of jobs & activities that parents could work on at home.  During open house, my volunteer signup included these at-home jobs and activities complete with days of availability.  I compiled a list of names of parents that could complete projects and on what days.  When I had something to be done, I checked my list for that day and sent the project home.

Last year, I created these volunteer bags out of XL Ziploc bags where I put everything a parent would need to complete a project in their home.  In addition, I created a page that I laminated that gave basic information and space to include more specific details.  I wrote on the page with a Vis-a-Vis marker.

Here is a photo of what I used and a freebie with the project page that I placed in the bag.  Enjoy!

Snag this freebie at my TpT Store!

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